The lake house
starring keanu reaves and sandra bullock its the cast of speed reincarnated only in a touchin love story that u dnt wanna miss.i started watchin it out boredom but as the movie progressed i liked it so mch dat i felt lyk writin about it.but sincerely i wanna ask the storywriter 'where the heck did u get the idea'.i mean we hav seen movies based in the future,but who'd have thought of makin a person fall in love with someone from the immediate future,dat being 2 years hence.and through the classic stance of love letters they could exchange at the lake house.makes you wanna believe so mch in the possibility of true and real love.this fantastic love story has plenty of b'ful moments.here are my top 5:
1.the scene where she wishes to see the trees that had been near the lake house,in a letter to him.and he plants one in front of her apartment building in his time,i.e. 2 yrs ago.and lo!the tree just appears full and flourishin in front of her as she's returnin to her building.fantastic!
2.when she kisses a stranger(that being him of course),at his time, but he knws her and has already fallen for her.
3.when she's writing him to call her at the exact tym she was writing the letter and as soon as she writes those words,her phone rings!
4.when they are standin in front of the mail box,both in their respective times and they exchange letters with each other.
5.their walk together,both through the same route but different times and she mentions at the end dat she jst wished she cud've been with him and then she sees a wall on which there is a graffiti sayin 'i'm always with you'
not to mention i loved the doggie,named jack,though its a 'she'.and the ending where i was desperately wishin for him nt to die..well this aint a spoiler.so u hav to find it out whether he dies or nt.
so its a must watch.do watch the flick and temme ur best moments of it.and if u'v already watched,i'd lyk to hear ur version too.

well,i've been meanin to watch it since long and after 'lake house' i was in a goooood mood so decided to check this out as well.and mind u.pls dnt watch these two movies together.b'cause both are absolutely beautiful in their own way.its just dat after lake house,serendipity appeared a little 'too obvious'.another regular romantic story whose bits and pieces u've already watched in some copied hindi ones.just lyk that ten rupee note scene.its the same one as in that emraan hashmi and diya mirza starrer'tumsa nahi dekha(yeah,yeah,i've seen this movie too)
its about two strangers(cusock and kate beckinsale) meeting by chance and leaving it on fate to meet again.they fall headlong in love bt both hav cmmitments.so years later when both are on the verge of gettin married and still cannot forget that moment of serendipity(which by either way means 'fortunate accident') shared with the prefect stranger go in search of their destiny again.pretty,funny and romantic.almost in the league of 'when harry met sally' and the likes.i cnt tell u my favourite moments cuz i was still hung over by the lake house.i'm sure u can temme urs.
so if ur are the romantic movie types,who love these classic stances,i hope u havnt missed this one.
Thanks for the warning about Serendipity in comparison with The Lake House. I'll expect less from it now. And then I'll feel better watching it. :D
I am donwloading Lake house (i never watch Sandra's movies, this only bcoz u said) ... i have watched serendipity .. i love it ..
have u seen "sleepless in seattle?"
yeah pallu..then m sure u will love it;)
i really loved sleepless in seattle...meg ryan romantic comedies are my favourite...even you've got mail was gud.and wen harry met sally,too cute!!
I really like The Lakehouse.
Thanks for the comment.I really don't know why my Mom has such a problem with Obama. She pisses me off about it though.
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