the craziest things i've done in my life!
1.a bike ride with a stranger(brother of a fren's,droppin us home after a concert,but a stranger nonetheless) in the middle of the night...at a speed touchin 100kmph
2.practicing our play in a public park...and then hooting and teasing a guy!!!
3.stealing mangoes from the tree of a neighbour of frienz i'd been stayin with..i jumped roofs!!
4.beating a guy for stalkin our friend,at a market place!!!and then callin the police..people gathered as if there was a shootin goin on!
5.5 girlsss...shouting at the loudesttt...we had a suspicion that the landlords heard our talks...so we decided to giv 'em a surprissseeeeee!
6.singing 'happpppppy birdddday pappppeee' at 12 o' clock every nite...tormenting the landlords daughter(they were sardaars)
7.an aeroplane hug..every tym we met in college...that means every tym!
8.dancin and singin,playin antakshari,on the roof..in the rain..
9.makin parody songs..sittin at the last bench..and afterwords singin them to every girl in the class
10.standin over chairs kept on chairs to hoot in the jal concert!
11.nearly dislocated our heads...and lost our voices...and our minds..at the front row,in the rock idols concert!
12.chantin crazily at the rock satsang,art of living..and seeing our photo in the newspaper the next day!!
13.goin to a tourist spot...out of town...at seven in the evenin..on activas..just us girlss
14..watched 'julie' movie..10 girls occupyin the whole row..and hooting and laughin..
15.rollin together from the top of the grass mound downwards...in a park
16.ransackin a disc before its hours and dancin(just 4 of us)..and makin the dj get up frm his sleep and play us music!!!our frst and last tym to a disc:(
17.gettin dressed up as truck driver and his pregnant wife and havin a photoshoot!!!in our rooms of course..but the one who developed them..must hav died laughin..and then circulatin those pics in the whole clas durin a borin maths lecture!!!
18. being amitabh bacchan of kaun banega crorepati(that being me)...and playin kbc..askin stupidest question and saying..'haaaaaiiin!' after every answer..i kept a real lock and key wid me..of course..to 'lock the answer'
19.performing 'inhi logo ne le leena dupatta mera' for the birthday girl at 12 o' clock..
20.performin kajra re in front of whole college at physics fest...craziest thing is..2 of us decided to b amitabh and abhishek(me,amitabh of course)..at the last moment..hehe..and jumping in our frnd's performance..she was supposed to b doin a solo..but we made the whole college dance along...and managed laughs frm our teachers too
and above all
no drugs,no fags and no booze...some people think thats crazy too!!
who says girls cant hav some fun!!!
ooooh,i miss my college dayzzz..miss u nallu,mithu,pranki,nehooo,nattu di,maddy,kiran,the cool cats,garam masala gang,nautanki grouup,tashbir-e-raqs,deeps,our dance group,temptations ke burgers,36 k gardens,oven fresh(for seein us almost everyday),ccd(especially the book cafe)..the vendor that made us juice and gave free pineapple pieces to go along with...mini aunty,ISCON temple,rajiv and rinku(for takin care of all our photostats)...cyber cafe wale srdaar g(for lettin us work on the cmputer even past closin tym)...our teachers for believin in us...and being strict wen we underperformed too...college canteen,fruit shop,auditorium(where 1'st day i'd mentally pledged that i'll b on that stage one day..and i was..and i din let it go till it was tym for us to leave),the verka booth,cook bhaiya...the sports dayss..the youth festivals..the last copmuter practical...i no u wnt forget it too 'Upasna mam'...me n nallu's disney website..the cartoon making,the debate comptt,all the classmates..i miss it all...very very much..those were the best dayz of my life!!!!