wen i was a lil' girl,i used to watch my parents' weddin video for hours at stretch,or i wud leaf thru their pics...my mum alwayz used to dress me up as a bride,all in red,for fancy dress competitions,n i used to go on stage,shy and crimson,and forget all my lines..everymornin i woke up,n from d corner of my eye,watched mum gettin ready for office...d way she draped her saree,put on her make up,brushed her b'ful hair...i jus wished i cud be like her...stealthily,wen she wasn home,i'd put on her make-up,wrapped myself in a dupatta,wore her '2 big for my small feet' high heels n stood gazing at myself in the mirror..wishin to be beautiful...i alwayz had the picture of my prince charming in my head,poured in from d russian fairy tales i were so fond of readin,n like d VASILISA i knew dat i could cross d 'dus teeya tees n nau teeya sattaees places'2 just kiss him n make him remember dat he was mine...am all grown up now,and know dat reality is quite different from the childhood fantasies,but inside me...still lurkes dat little girl..who awaits dat special someone...with the taste of AMBROSIA...and i know dat inside everyone lies dat little part of them who wants them to believe dat life is not really a hell...so believe...n life will be beautiful!!!
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