Sunday, July 13, 2008

10 benefits of a manicure

1.finally the dirty hands are clean at last..
2.a hand massage is very very good,and soothing...
3.u learn a lesson never to hold hands with a female...see,it promotes straight-ism takes away that itch frm ur hand(that meant of course the money u were gonna pay for this)
5.u make perfect new friends with whom u can share everything without telling ur name.
6.u learn how to sleep in the most awkward position at the most inappropriate place..see thats something new.
7.guaranteed compliments at the finish(by the manicurer,but compliments none-the-less!!)
8.u get out of doin house work by sayin "hey!i just had a manicure"
9.its good pampering urself once in a while
1o.and lastly...a woman's beauty is measured by how well she takes care of her hands(yeah,yeah..i made that least i made the final point)

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