because i jst knw dat i cant live with pretence,because i think dat is what i hv been doing my whole life.i hv pretended to b a perfect daughter,a perfect friend,a perfect student..but deep down i knw its all a farce.i havnt been perfect at all...maybe everything i ever wanted was something what they wanted,my family,my friends..i wud devise new ways to please as i grew older,the desire to please lessened,and i turned into me.someone who could easily break hearts,ignore tears,tell lies without the bash of an eye...some kind of a monster woman..brash,unkind,uncaring..
bt i think thats what life does 2 teaches u how to teaches u to take ur head out of the furry pink clouds and see hw everyone is out there to use yu,a little slip and u can fall a hopeless romantic like me is unleashed onto a world like this and what do u the sayin goes'when in rome..and blah blah'.
and nw m on this planet where all u get to knw while growin up is how to slit the throat of the person sittin next to u,cuz by God,its competition..and hw to make friends and leave them at the altar of ur career,cuz its wat they'd do 2 u anyway..and how to catch the right guy who'd better b a good husband material,and if not,he shud b carrying shitloads of money.WTF!!!
and i'd b damned if i care about all dat..i could never choose a friend for me,or as a matter of fact a guy..they jst came along and stuck..and got unstuck and rolled away..and sometyms,when they stuck for too long,i had to distance myself...all for my career..i needed to b focussed,they made me look at the fun side of life,and then thats is all pink furry clouds again!!we cant have that can we???
so i turned out to b this multi faceted personality who is jst whiffs away frm friends notice in me an occasional outburst of friendliness,love,warmth...and at other times,im as away frm their lives as i might never hv been there!!!and at those moments of hiding in my shell,i prepare myself to go again in that ugly masked world...
and im all well till i talk to my pals again.who are the epitomes of GOD i think,they turn me back into the frizzy jello-kinds mushed up grl who thinks life is full of pink furry fluffy clouds...
and with my head in those clouds i find everything beautiful..
my life gets alight with the beautiful moments i share with each n everyone of them,even if they are complainin or scolding me for disappearing,its nice,it shows they care.
and it makes me believe in fairytales and happily ever after again...
so here im thinkin of exactly the same thing with sucha random chain of thoughts,being crazy enough to even write about that.
i suppose its tym to go back into d shell again,its too much mush for nw..
in the end i want to thank my Gods,who make me believe in being happy
nallu-i love u grl.if i were a guy,i'd hv definitely married u!i dnt think i can find myself someone better,or even lyk u.i miss u sweetheart.
chotu-i no u'll cmplain dat i had d tym to write on dis stupid blog than call u,bt i had say dat i miss u.miss our fights,and fights and fights.i think u get d idea;)
goldy-i had been sucha bad frend leavin u like dat,bt u were there for me wen i needed smone badly.and nw as its sch a joyous time of your life,i wish u all the happiness in the world.
and pallu-i knw we've recently found one another bt i feel like i've known u all my life.thanx for being such a wonderful person that u are.
all of u have in some way touched my soul,and made me find beauty in this ugly world.knwing u guys,i've found God,and the faith that i will find true love.but i will need ur blessings for that;)

May your wish come true, dear friend. May life never get the chance to vaporize those pink fluffy clouds and show the harsh reality beneath. Like Steve Jobs said: Stay hungry, stay foolish (
ur unique way of xpressing free flowing feelings of heart which r sometimes entangled in the chains of mind is quite has concern for every heart.keep writin n keep goin in life.....
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